This morning I said to myself, "Self, come hell or high water, you are posting today." What does that even mean - hell or high water? It's kind of funny. Anyway, I fully intended to write something last Friday but I ended up actually having a ton of work to do. I've actually had a super busy couple of weeks at work. That's why I've gotten way behind on my blog reading (and writing). Oh well, enough of my excuses.
I'd like to tell you that I saw an outstandingly good movie that I would recommend to anyone. It is called
Me and You and Everyone We Know and it is funny and great and amazing. Go see it now and report back to me.
Secondly, I have discovered a wonderful book called "
29 and Counting: A Chick's Guide to Turning 30". I have only just started it and I feel like it is speaking directly to me. I almost started crying while I was reading, not because turning 30 is so awfully sad, but because this book has just been completely validating me and giving me hope. So if you are anywhere near the big 3-0 and are feeling the pressure, read this book.
O.K., now that I've gotten my movie and book recommendations out of the way, I'll tell you a little something else that's been on my mind. I realized yesterday that aside from coffee, I have drank (drunk? drinken?) nothing but water for so long I don't remember the last time I had anything else to drink. I realized this when I poured myself a glass of yummy mango juice and barely felt thirst quenched because it was so darn sweet.
Something else I've been tossing around in my head: I think that if you start seeing someone else soon after breaking up with someone, that means that your previous relationship meant nothing to you and that sucks. Just hypothetically.
Also I have had a life changing revelation: I am in desperate need of a bicycle. There are certain places in the city which are just too far to walk to and too ridiculously short to drive to. I am going to check my old friend craigslist. If I ride my bike I can't be followed by weirdos on foot.
And finally, I am so happy that it's that magical time of year again, Big Brother is back. You may recall that Big Brother is my only reality show I like. I was going to say it's a guilty pleasure but I actually have to confess that I have a real guilty pleasure and it's something I don't even want to admit to, even to you loyal readers. But I will because I am all about honesty in this space. Secretly, I have been enjoying and singing along with
her when she comes on the radio. But I haven't bought the album, I swear!! Now what are your guilty pleasures? Come on, I shared mine.