I feel like I haven't written in ages. I don't know if it's because I've been away from the computer since last Thursday or if I just don't feel like boring you with my drama, but regardless, I am still here.
I took a vacation day Friday and for once, actually felt like I had a nice long weekend. Today I was at an all day seminar out of the office. The seminar was about managing time. I am all for skill building and professional development and I truly did find it to be worthwhile. However, I just know that I will have a hard time applying it. It requires discipline and forethought and endless amounts of structure.
When I got home I couldn't get into my apartment. The front stairs had been fixed and were wet with concrete. Our landlord has yet to give us a key to the back door. I stood in the heat with a bag full of 40 pounds worth of brand new daily-planner on my arm and called the landlord on my cell. Because English is not his first language and he has a strong accent and a muddled way of speaking, I have to close my eyes and concentrate in order to understand what he's trying to say.
This time what he was trying to say was he couldn't find a key to our back door but in a little while, it would be o.k. to go in the front. I had to repeat myself a couple of times in order to get across my question, "how can I get in now?" To which he had no answer other than "you will be my house guest." He lives with his very Englishly-challenged family down the street and while they are sweet, I think too much focusing would give me a headache. I give him a lot of credit though. Anyone who is multi-lingual, even just enough to get by, is admirable in my book. I can't imagine that at all, especially when the two languages are so entirely different. I saw some educational program not long ago (why do I feel like I'm always saying that?) about some guy with an amazing brain that learned to speak fluent Icelandic in a week's time.
But I digress. The landlord and his family came by to test if the front steps were dry and managed to explain to me through demonstration how to climb them gingerly. Perhaps if my landlord had managed his time better he could've ensured we had the key to the back door before making the front door inaccessible. It's not like I can just stay home for days. I have to get back to work sometime and start managing my time.
Work has been the only thing to keep me sane lately. But, and maybe this is really paranoid, I always worry that they've gotten along just fine without me there and they will realize they don't need me after all. Does anyone else think that way? Oh well, at least I can manage my time a little better than I could yesterday, and one of my goals was to write something. This has been sort of a rambly post but that epitomizes my relationship with structure so there you go.