I have three goals for today. One is to get out in the sunshine. Another is to do
some reading. And the third is to write a newsletter article about our new contract with a nearby gym. As you may have guessed, that last one is work related, whereas the first two are not.
At jobs I have always tried to promote myself as a writer. The way I look at it, you just never know what opportunities might arise if you throw yourself out there. It can't hurt. At this particular job, the result of my "I'd like more opportunities to write!" campaign is the responsibility for writing the HR portion of the monthly internal newsletter. And believe me, until you've experienced it, you have no idea what a challenge it is to try to put your creative skills to use in the description of health insurance, job openings, and helpful reminders about under-used benefits.
The gym article was actually my idea. I was hoping to make our portion read like a glass of water instead of the rather dry material we'd been submitting. I suggested how I could go to the gym's website, talk about the facilities, tie the whole thing in to the popular concept of getting in shape for summer. I've had two weeks to work on this and I've avoided it like the plague. But I know that sometimes the best cure for writer's block is to just start writing (as is often evidenced here). So, by the end of the day there will be something written about the gym contract. It may not be refreshing and thirst quenching, but damn it, it will be written.
Back to the more fun topic of books. Both of the links above are to books I'm reading and they are both good. The first is light and fun and I highly recommend it. The second was loaned to me by my supervisor and since I am always up for a book recommendation, I dove right in to the 600 plus pages. I'm finding it to be addictive and adventurous. Which is distinctly not how anyone will likely describe my newsletter article.