Please bear with me while I work out the bugs in my new format. It's all so confusing and convoluted. Here I was feeling so proud of my mastery of HTML and then I was surprised to discover that, while my page looked beautiful and perfect from my home computer, it looks vastly different from my work computer. At home, the title is in a funky looking font, and the colors are stunning, yet not overbearing enough to read the posts. Here at work, my title is in a regular font, and the colors are extremely dark - so much so that I had to switch my post font to a light color. But maybe when I look at it from home I will think it looks horrible. Oh well. I am interested to hear your continued feedback. I certainly want my page to be user-friendly so if you have trouble reading it in any way, let me know.
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Reading is in some ways, like dating. I am currently reading three books. One at work, one before bed, and one for relaxing time. Normally I prefer to throw myself into one book rather than divide up my attention. However, I have somehow stumbled into a situation where three books have captured my affections. I used to be able to handle this sort of thing without getting confused, however, I'm finding these books starting to blend together in my mind. Perhaps it's because two have very similar settings, although not so similar plots, and the third is the one I daydream about while I'm away from it and reading the others. I am contemplating making a full commitment to one, but I would feel like that was terribly unfair to the other two, particularly since I've already begun reading them. This all just seems so wrong. What is a girl to do?