I'm kind of excited because I just entered a writing contest. I don't care if I win, I just wanted to enter. It had to be 500 words or less about writing challenges or triumphs I've faced. I thought it would be difficult but it just popped into my head and I sat down and wrote it in one sitting.
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I'd like to add another favorite to my list of foods that I would pick to eat every day for the rest of my life. This would be food choice number four (following Mexican cuisine, spinach dip, and key lime pie in that order): mango sauce. Strange but true. Our favorite Mexican place serves this dessert, some sort of Mexican chocolate and it rests in a virtual lake of mango sauce. I could eat the mango sauce by itself. I think the chocolate takes away from its utter perfection. If anyone knows how to make mango sauce, please let me know.