I have decided that Key Lime Pie might well be one of my favorite foods in the whole world. I would put it at approximately the number 3 spot on my "If I Could Only Eat One Thing Every Day For the Rest of My Life" list. And yes, I do have a list like that.
And speaking of food, a man came in for an interview today and he brought muffins to share! To an interview!! It might have been viewed as a bit strange except that this man was also really nice. I felt like saying, "Hire this man right now! I don't care what his qualifications are, if he's going to bring food for us he'll fit right in!" But this is probably why they do not let me make the hiring decisions around here.
And speaking yet some more about food, today happened to be Pie Day. (Hence my discovery about Key Lime Pie.) There were a ton of pies for general consumption in the kitchen for no other reason than for the sake of eating pie. Well, actually, the reason is because we have been doing something special every month on the tenth of the month because of our ten year anniversary this year. But the pie in and of itself was completely arbitrary, having no symbolic purpose whatsoever. Have I mentioned recently that I love my job?
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Ah, decisions, decisions. Did anyone else find themselves embroiled in a bitter battle of the networks last night in relation to which feature-made-for-tv-movie-based-on-real-life-events to watch? I understand the idea of competition and all, but that little trick they pulled was down right mean. How was I supposed to decide between Elizabeth Smart and Jessica Lynch? In the end though, I had to do exactly that and the whole thing just felt so unfair.