Our 800 number is constantly getting crossed with others. I don't know why. It's just a fact of life I've come to accept. When someone calls asking to "order a cake" or "complain about something I ordered from your catalog" or report that "we are stuck in an elevator someplace in Miami", I know now that they have the wrong number, and quickly tell them so. I might add that the above examples are not fictious. They have all happened. More than once.
Today I received another wrong number call. It started like a sales call with the caller inquiring as to my well being. Rolling my eyes I replied with my most annoyed "fine, how are you?" I was startled when the caller replied, "Not so good actually. I was diagnosed with Diabetes today." I proceeded to listen to a sad story told by a sad man. I sympathized as best I could and then gently broke the news that he had the wrong number (I had determined that he was looking for his health insurance provider instead). I think he was a little embarrassed but he thanked me for listening before hanging up. I told him it was no problem. And it wasn't.