This morning on my way to work I saw something strange. I drove by a house that looked very worn - green paint chipping, screens falling off, weather-beaten American flag, broken down lawn chair... but here's the best part. In the front yard was a little stone gargoyle that looked like a miniature version of the ones that come to life in Ghostbusters. This little scary statue had one giant wing emerging from his back. This observation spawned a whole bunch of questions in my mind. Why only one wing? What happened to the other wing? And if your house was so delapidated, would you even bother to decorate your lawn with gargoyles? What's the deal with gargoyles as decorations anyway? Aren't they a bit frightening? I don't know, the house looked as though the owners had taken off in a hurry quite some time ago. "Oh no, we forgot to bring our one-winged gargoyle when we fled the premises." The whole thing just felt a little creepy to me.