I did something I thought would be impossible. I managed to live without my cell phone for a whole week. You forget to pay one little bill and they go and shut your phone off - does that seem fair?? In any case, I couldn't afford to pay it off until my next paycheck so I had to wait a week.
Within 24 hours of having my phone back on the following strange things occured: The first was a call from a number I didn't recognize. They didn't leave a message so the mystery remains unsolved. The second thing was a text message. For some reason my phone can recieve text messages, but I am unable to send them. I was surprised to get a message that said, "Hey Colby, do you have your phone? Signed, the Group". Too bad I couldn't reply. Who knows what I (masquerading as Colby) would've said.
However, these two incidents made me a little suspicious that the cell phone company gave my number to someone else, as if I wasn't coming back. Or maybe, it's a case of crossed lines. This happens all the time with our 800 number at work. For whatever reason, the lines frequently get crossed with other lines. Once I answered the phone and it was a bunch of people stuck in an elevator in Miami. They said all they had done was hit the emergency button and they got me. Luckily, I was able to keep a cool head and figure out what had to be done. I found out their exact location and called the elevator company for them. I sure did feel like a hero.