The colors on my work computer are way off. I notice when I go on the same websites at home that they are completely different colors than I thought they were. I wonder what colors everyone sees when they read my blog? Anyway, I got a new computer at work yesterday finally. I say "new" but don't get excited. It's not like my computer at home that has like, a thousand different possible desktop backgrounds and spider solitaire. I love spider solitaire but I hate how games - anything from board games to video games - are so addictive. I find a new game I like and suddenly that's all I can think about for days.
Anyway, my old work computer, seemingly from years and years of people saving everything they ever did on it, had absolutely no free space in the memory. If I got an email with an attachment, I literally had to delete documents people had saved years ago in order to open the attachment. So I got a new computer that I can fill up all by myself with whatever I want. No more carrying around other people's baggage for me. What's weird is that I didn't realize it was actually possible to fill up an entire computer. Sort of like it's not possible to visit every website because the internet is so vast. Although I once saw a commercial where a guy did just that. What the commercial was for, I don't remember. That's effective advertising for you.
As for the color, I knew for quite some time that my work computer's colors were too dark. But somehow I just got used to it. Now suddenly my monitor has been reset and I feel like I need sunglasses to look at it. It's funny how a little thing like that can cause such disruption in one's life.